Our names are Kayla Simas, Julia Lanza, and Ava Lanza. We have all experienced first hand what it is like to struggle with our mental health. We are extremely passionate about helping other teens and children cope with their mental illnesses as well. We are aware that anxiety and depression are very prominent in today's society due to all of the stress that is put on these children and young adults.
We have made it our mission to give back and assist in lowering suicide numbers in a fun, creative way that will bring joy to everybody that we reach.
Through this shop, we will donate 100% of the profits generated to the Samaritans. The Samaritans are a non-profit organization that provides assistance to those battling depression and suicidal thoughts, or even just those who are having a bad day. Their goal is to lower the number of people struggling with depression, as well as those contemplating suicide, while educating the public about mental health. Luckily, this is our team's goal as well.
We have decided to support the Samaritans because they have left a huge impact on our group in the past. They once visited our middle school to educate us about the importance of mental health. We vividly remember their presentation and how it helped us to open up and to become aware of our mental well-being, and this is also the effect that our team aspires to give to others who have not had the experience to meet the Samaritans in the way that we were fortunate enough to.
We hope that you enjoy our fun products/events and use us as a reminder to spread positivity in any way you can throughout your community. No matter how small it is, even a simple act of kindness can change someones day. Remember that good things are coming and we hope you have an amazing day.
The Sunshine Shop